About Us

why choose us

A Best Place To Enjoy Your Life

Broaden your horizon with all new cultures and people. We all expect a place like home wherever we head into and so we have all our services that will enlighten you with huge warmth. We bring you happiness and satisfaction to your room step which will add beautiful footprints in your memory journey.
Say “Yes” and have unforgettable memories. Life isn’t easy for everyone but a good trip and change in place can definitely bring you closer to the bright part of life. We bring breeze to your window and hail to your door and ensure you are enjoying every minute of the stay. We are always ready to amaze you with our service. A good trip will lead you to a destination where you can find Peace of mind at every turn and a good stay will make finding it much easier and quicker. We believe that Life without regrets is the best life lived ever, we assure that you will never feel regretted at any cost from the moment you step in. Whenever we move to different places we discover ourselves more than the spots all over. Making you discover a better version of you is always our choice. Regardless of the weather outside, you can always feel the winter and spring under our roof. No matter how old you are, a part of us always wants to have fun and Ponnis can be the best place for you to have fun and joy together in a pot.

Additional Facilities

Ponnis Amenities

Free WiFi access

Free WiFi access

Have seamless internet connectivity for you to connect with your friends and family even if you are miles away.
24/7 Room Service

24/7 Room Service

Reach out to us at any time for your needs and we are glad to serve you at your doorstep.
Free Parking

Free Parking

Park your vehicle without any worries, we provide you with a safe and spacious free vehicle parking system.